Choose ONE
~ Our United Campaign in 5785 ~
It all starts with ONE!
Choose ONE:
One People
One G-d
One Book
One Nation
One Land
One Mitzvah
One Day
One Love/Frequency/Vibe
Share your ONE way to unite
Spread the word!

So many ways to tap into Jewish Unity
Let's UNITE like Shabbat & Yom Kippur 5785!
October 11 - October 12

Before Sunset
Before Sunset:
Say “Shana Tova”
Give apologies
Hear the shofar
Enjoy festive meal
Light Candles
During Shabbat/Yom Kippur Do's & Don'ts
DO During:
Say “Shabbat Shalom”
Do Teshuvah (Repent)
Go to Shul
Say Yizkor
Say Vidui (Confess)
DO NOT DO During:
No working
No eating or drinking
No driving
No new electricity/fire
No purchases
No technology
After Sunset
Celebrate 2x more
1. Sukkot
2. Simchat Torah
Avoid gossip
Donate & Volunteer
Study Torah
Read Tehilim/Psalms
Teach Torah
Visit Israel
Be kind (demure & mindful
Personal growth
Praise Gd & others

Let's UNITE like
Shabbat & Yom Kippur
~ 5785 ~
Choose ONE traditional way
to tap into Jewish unity this year.
Local Sundown on October 11
October 12 until 1 hr past local sunset
It starts with ONE..
Choose one!
Be one!
This project inspires personal choice that need not be shared publicly.
Our free will of ONENESS reverberate regardless!
Should you wish to inspire others to CHOOSE ONE and join our frequency tapping, please spread the word, share how you choose to tap in, and/or click away to connect in other ways.